Sugary carbohydrate foods for extra energy : CROXYPROXY
 Sugary carbohydrate foods for extra energy : CROXYPROXY

 Sugary carbohydrate foods for extra energy : CROXYPROXY

One of the typical staple foods in West Java is rice


If we are talking about whether one of the typical West Javanese dishes is the  same as the entire region in Indonesia, it may not be wrong. Perhaps this is because this area is still classified as the island of Java, where it is located near the national capital, even classified as a still large area.


Western Java itself has a capital, namely Bandung Regency, where it is known as a paradise for Sunda culture. In fact, it is often used as the best tour if you want to get a lot of travel experience. You can not only enjoy nature, but you can enjoy the delicious processed culinary delights of West Java.


One of the typical staple foods in West Java is rice


First of all, there is lengko rice, which comes from the Cirebon and Indramayu regions, but is currently known outside the area. This preparation has the main uniqueness in the side dishes, namely tempeh tofu and bean sprouts. To make it fresher and more stable, cucumber or fried onions should be added.


This is quite different from one of the typical West Javanese staple foods, which is  liwet rice, which is best suited as a group menu. We can see a lot of side dishes from tempeh tofu, chili anchovies.  Although it is consumed in large quantities, it is still tasty because rice is made from a mixture of coconut milk.


In addition, there is timbel rice, which is more or less the same as liweat in terms of taste or characteristics. But the difference here must be wrapped with the help of banana leaves in the process of processing. The use of banana leaves turns out to be so useful in creating a more delicious taste and flavor, especially the appearance improves.


The taste or smell of banana leaves can really increase our appetite, so that the dietary actions always feel good. Even this menu of timbel rice turns out to be tasty, even if it is eaten only with the help of salted fish and simple chili sauce. Therefore, it is advisable to be a shopping savings menu, as it is affordable, but tasty.


Still in the form of rice, the last of the typical dishes of West Java is oncom rice and comes from the city of Tasikmalaya. The processed ones are already located in a typical restaurant in West Java, so it is not difficult to try it. When ordering this menu, you can get side dishes either salted fish or fried foods.


Sugary carbohydrate foods for extra energy


One of the typical staple foods of West Java is the peuyeum, perhaps it is also not bad, since it is called the best fruit after a visit.   Peuyeum itself comes from cassava and sticky rice, and then ferments. Peuyeum is very popular because it tastes very sweet and is still tasty, even if it eats a lot at once.


In addition, there is a galendo made from coconut pulp, and its origin is actually from the Ciamis district. The production of galenda itself begins with the amount of processed waste in the production of coconut oil. Since it was thrown away too affectionately, it was eventually cooked as a new menu plus a mixture of sugar or chocolate, and it turned out to be very good to consume it.


You can’t miss it, you have to try surabi, where actually in various other Java regions they also have this menu. But the difference is that there are interesting toppings to choose from, not just coconut or chocolate. Even surabi sales in restaurants and cafes have more unique toppings.


Gemblong is also one of the best preparations from West Java, especially if you want sweets. This gemblong is made first with rice flour made from dough. In addition, it will be fried until slightly browned and uniquely has a good taste, since it is added with palm sugar. The taste will be different compared to other sweet delicacies.


The last processed sweet is odading, where it is actually very popular lately because it is viral. There was a content creator who accidentally created a viral video, so the name odading is becoming more and more famous till now. The odading itself is made from flour, and then they are fried and sweeteners are added.


One of the staple foods in West Java is processed meat and vegetables


If you have ordered rice, it is recommended to add the best Sundan side dishes, such as maranggi satay from Ciamis. This satay is really endowed with uniqueness, as it uses buffalo meat as an ingredient in satay. Before burning, the maranggi satay also goes through the process of marinade using a special yellow pepper.


In addition to rice, meat or flour, vegetables are certainly always classified as a typical Sundan menu. One of the typical staple foods of West Java  is  vegetables, such as karedok, and keep in mind that this menu is not a hodgepodge. Karedok is equipped with fresh vegetables and the best peanut spices and biscuits to make it delicious.


This is completely different from other herbal preparations, namely lotek, where it must first be boiled so that it can be easily chewed. Since the sauce is very tasty, it is tastier than the side dish to rice and rice cakes. Not only that, even cooked noodles will be tasty to eat using lotek, also add cookies.


One of the typical basic dishes of West Java is that it does not always have to be spicy or fried first. This proves that you do not have to worry about eating monotonous Sundan food, but you can choose a healthy version. So, when ordering vegetables, the nutritional content is more balanced.


Another recommended process is to kupat tahu with the addition of vegetables. Perhaps this is well known, because in other provinces there are also such foods. But the difference is that you choose for yourself whether you want boiled or still fresh vegetables.   Plus it can determine for itself the level of spiciness of vegetable tofu kupat sauces.


Processed noodles and Soto Kaya Soah


West Java also has many menus of soup dishes like yellow soto so far. This soto in itself is really very unique, since the yellow color is not white or clear. In addition, it is equipped with a mixture of Sundan recipes and tends to be flexible where you can use meat or beef.


Evidence of one of the typical staple foods of West Java is another  soto  , as evidenced by the existence of the Bandung soto menu.   This soto in itself actually has advantages when using celandine meat. In addition, plus a thick soup that tastes like beef broth. As the name suggests, soto is really from Bandung.


In addition to the use of coarse broth, there is another peculiarity, which is the use of horseradish. The vegetable is able to make the soup fresher, but does not lose its identity. Especially if you add lime, surely Soto Bandung will feel much fresher.


Next are the soto noodles, which is another recommendation processed in the form of soto. Perhaps this currency is also served in other provinces, but here the difference is that the Sundan version uses a thicker broth. In addition, it is added with bean sprouts and a delicious spicy dish.


Finally, there are recommendations for whipped noodles with a delicious taste typical of beef broth and equipped with thin noodles. When cooking whipped noodles, one should not forget about the uniqueness of using a thick broth. On top of that, there are other pieces of kiking to make them more stable, especially if they are added with a super spicy mixture of cayenne pepper chili sauce.


The number of types of processed products is due to the fact that there are quite a lot of cities or districts in this province. There are also influences from other provinces or countries that make the types different. Thus, it can be concluded that one of the typical dishes of West Java is rice, cassava, noodles, vegetables for fried foods.

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